Responsability. Surfing this site and by clicking on any links on this web site, you will confirm that you have read, understand, and accepted the terms and conditions of this web site. In no case the administrators of this web site will be held responsible regarding the the services offered from the advertisers ads or for the content that will be added by escorts on their escort webpage. You are solely responsible for any text, reference, and information to your services.
Not employer. We are not the employer of the escorts introduced on our web pages. They are agencies and/or independent escorts, who assured that all services offered are in full compliance with applicable law.
You are an adult. You are an adult, being at least 18 years of age and you are not offended by adult content.
No offence. You are not accessing this material to use against any person, real or otherwise, in any conceivable manner. Your interest in all the data is of purely private character and the content of this site in only for your own use.
No defamation. If you are speaking about someone in a way that they may not approve, then you are defaming them. Content which is intended to injure another person's reputation is a violation. We do not tolerate disrespect of other individuals.
Use only original photos. If we find you using unauthorized photos on your sedcard, we will suspend your sedcard without refund.
No copy. No portion of this web site may be copied, reproduced, duplicated, downloaded, transmitted, sold, resold or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of the service, use of the service, access to the service or otherwise used without the prior written consent of our site.
Do not steal. You are not allowed to post on our network any copied content from any source (escort websites or not). In case we find any copyright infrigement we will suspend your account without notice. No link should be placed without the consent of the linked website.
Do reciprocal. If you have your own website running, and using our service as a second option, you need to post our banner or link, into your website. You can find the banners and html code on the contact page. In case that you don`t respect this condition, you can have your account suspended without notice.
`Sex for money` and/or prostitution. Marketing for services which are illegal in your country is prohibited and not allowed. If we receive complaints or we suspect that the services you are advertising are not legal in your country, we will suspend your account without notice.
Be informed. You further acknowledge that we reserve the right to modify these general practices and limits from time to time without further notice.
Photos Management.
1- With the announcement of one week you can not change the picture
2- With the announcement of two weeks you can change the photos up 1 time
3- With the announcement of one month you can change the photos up to 2 times, and you can stop the announcement for 2 times.